Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lit Terms

Allegory: a tale in prose or verse in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities; a story that uses symbols to make a point
Alliteration: the repetition of similar initial sounds, usually consonants, in a group of words
Allusion: a reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects a reader to recognize
Ambiguity: something uncertain as to interpretation
Anachronism: something that shows up in the wrong place or the wrong time
Analogy: a comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them
Analysis: a method in which a work or idea is separated into its parts, and those parts given rigorous and detailed scrutiny
Anaphora: a device or repetition in which a word or words are repeated at the beginning of two or more lines, phrases, clauses, or sentences
Anecdote: a very short story used to illustrate a point
Antagonist: a person or force opposing the protagonist in a drama or narrative
Antithesis: a balancing of one term against another for emphasis or stylistic effectiveness
Aphorism: a terse, pointed statement expressing some wise or clever observation about life
Apologia: a defense or justification for some doctrine, piece of writing, cause, or action; also apology
Apostrophe: a figure of speech in which an absent or dead person, an abstract quality, or something inanimate or nonhuman is addressed directly


bauble - trinket
faux pas – awkward moment 
opportunist –takes advantage
unconscionable -

accoutrements - Additional items of dress or equipment, carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity. (a count of mints)
apogee - The highest point in the development of something; the climax. (apology was climatic)
apropos - With reference to; concerning. Adverb - Used to state a speaker's belief that someone's comments or acts are unrelated to any previous discussion or situation.( a pro posses in the front of the living room)
bicker -Argue about petty and trivial matters.

coalesce - Come together and form one mass or whole.

contretemps - An unexpected and unfortunate occurrence. Or a minor dispute or disagreement. (count your hens)